Safty Education
The department in charge will send you information about each lecture by an e-mail. If you would like to attend a lecture, please follow the instructions in the email.
●受講必須(いずれか1つを受講)/Mandatory lectures (one of them must be taken):
Safety education at the time of new student guidance (PIC: each department)
・留学生ガイダンス時の安全教育(担当:新領域 教務チーム・国際交流室)
Safety education at the international student guidance (PIC: Academic Affairs Team and the International Liaison Office, GSFS)
・環境安全基礎講習会(担当:新領域 環境安全管理室)
Fundamentals of Environment and Safety (PIC: EHS Office, GSFS)
・柏地区安全衛生教育講習会(担当:柏地区共通事務センター 安全衛生チーム)
Safety and health training seminar in the Kashiwa area (PIC: Kashiwa Area Administration Center, Safety and Health Team)
●該当者は受講必須/Applicable people must attend:
・電気、レーザー、野外活動、薬品管理システム、化学物質等 利用者講習 ➡ サブページへ
Lectures of electricity, laser, field research, reagent management, UTCIMS, etc. ➡ Click Here
(necessary safety education for research activities is provided by the graduate school)
Environment and safety course Certification can be obtained for dispose of the lab waste
・高圧ガス利用講習会(柏地区で高圧ガス・寒剤を取扱う構成員向け)(主催:物性研究所 低温液化室)
High pressure gas training program
・放射線取扱者のための教育訓練(新規・再教育)(担当:新領域 放射線管理室)
Training for people who handle radiation
・玉掛技能講習会 / クレーン運転特別教育講習会 (担当:柏地区共通事務センター 安全衛生チーム)
Sling, crane operation
●必要に応じて受講/attend if needed:
Centrifuge, autoclave, fume hood
animal experiments, GMOs, Laboratory organism, ABS
(担当:新領域 研究交流チーム)
When conducting safety education during the guidance for new students from each major, please collect the signatures of the students and submit them to the office.
●学生用/For Student
※ 新領域eduアカウントにログイン後ダウンロードできます。
Sign-in by your GSFS e-mail account (XXX@edu.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp) is required for downloading the report above.
Please use the following file when conducting safety education for faculty and staff.
●教職員用/For Staff
※ 新領域eduアカウントにログイン後ダウンロードできます。
Sign-in by your GSFS e-mail account (XXX@edu.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp) is required for downloading the report above.