
Health Examinations, Mental Health


健康診断の日程は 、担当部署から案内がありますので、必ず受診してください。大学が実施する健康診断を受診できなかった場合は、下記の書類を期日内に「柏地区共通事務センター 安全衛生チーム(物性研究所 本館 2階)」宛に提出してください。
The department in charge will inform you about the schedule of the health examination, so please be sure to have it. If you are unable to get the medical examination conducted by the university, please submit the following documents to the "Kashiwa Common Office Center Safety and Health Team (2nd floor of the Institute for Solid State Physics)" within the deadline. 

 1) 法定項目を満たす診断書(人間ドッグ結果通知の写し可)
  Medical certificate that meets legal requirements 

 2) 保健センターのWeb問診回答後に表示されるQRコードを印刷した用紙
  A form printed with the QR code displayed after answering the online medical examination at the Health Center

健康診断に関する問合せ:/Inquiries about health examination保健センター/Health Center

メンタルヘルス/Mental health


The most common mental health problem is depressive symptoms. Please consult with your faculty member, your boss, or the Research and Development Center for Consultation Support as soon as possible.

    Insomnia, waking up in the middle of the night, waking up early in the morning

    Feel like not slept well when waking up in the morning

    No motivation

    It would be painful to go for work or school

 ・新型コロナウイルス感染症に関する心的ストレス がある
    psychological stress about the Covid-19


東京大学では、教職員を対象に1年に1回「ストレスチェックシステム(UTSAMSによる心理的な負担の程度を把握するための検査」を行っています。受検期間になりましたら新領域 環境安全管理室より一斉メールで通知しますので、必ず受検してください。なお、UTSAMSは受検期間以外はアクセスできませんのでご注意ください。
The University of Tokyo conducts a "test to understand the degree of psychological burden by the stress check system (UTSAMS)" once a year for faculty and staff. When the examination period is near, the GSFS Environmental Safety Management Office will notify you by e-mail, so be sure to take the examination. Please note that UTSAMS can only be accessed during the examination period. 

 1) 受検期間中、UTSAMSにログインしオンラインで質問に回答して下さい。
  Please log in to UTSAMS and answer your questions online during the exam period.

 2) 後日回答内容に基づいて分析されたストレス程度の結果がメールで届きます。医師の面談を希望される場合はご自身で面談指導をお申し込みください。
  At a later date, you will receive an email with the results of the stress level analyzed based on the content of your reply. If you would like to have an interview with a doctor, please apply for the interview guidance yourself.  


Here are some specific examples of the main symptoms of mental health. If there are any applicable items, please contact the consultation desk. 

Mood disorders (depression / manic depression): Depression lasts for more than a few weeks, often accompanied by decreased motivation and concentration, decreased appetite, insomnia, and impatience. There are also dysthymia, which is a normal life but has relatively mild depressive symptoms for several years or longer.

Anxiety Disorder: Palpitations, chest pain, dizziness, vomiting, etc. suddenly appear along with intense fear and anxiety. Panic disorder caused by repeated panic attacks. There are social anxiety disorders that help you avoid speaking and behaving in.

Adjustment disorder: A condition in which various mental and physical symptoms such as anxiety, depression, irritability, and headache appear and interfere with social life due to poor adaptation to the social environment.

Sleep disorders: There are sleep disorders that take a long time to fall asleep, midnight awakening that wakes up many times in the middle of the night, early morning awakening that wakes up early in the morning, and deep sleep disorders that do not make you feel like sleeping. There are individual differences in sleep time, so it is important to sleep for a sufficient amount of time for that person.

ハラスメント対策/Harassment measures

ハラスメントについては「東京大学 ハラスメント相談」にご相談ください。
For harassment, please contact the "University of Tokyo Harassment Counseling Center". 

相談窓口 一覧/Consultation counter list

The content of the consultation at the following contact points and the privacy of the consultant will be strictly adhered to, and you will not be treated unfavorably by the content of the consultation. 

 ・保健センター/Health Center

 ・相談支援研究開発センター/Consultation Support Research and Development Center 

      産業医・保健師相談窓口/physician health nurse consultation desk




