Earthquake Resistance Check Sheet
耐震チェックシート/Earthquake Resistance Check Sheet
Let's make your labs earthquake-resistant!
In the Great East Japan Earthquake, shelves and equipment at the Kashiwa Campus were damaged by the earthquake. The buildings in the GSFS are designed to prevent collapse even in the event of an earthquake of intensity 6, but if the laboratories are not properly arranged for earthquakes, it will cause serious damage and be difficult to continue research activities. In order to minimize the damage caused by earthquakes, let's review the inside of your laboratory by using the following checklist on the earthquake resistance of your laboratory.
1.転倒・落下・横滑り防止 ~倒れたり落ちたりしないために!~
prevent from falling over, falling off, slipping
2.出火防止 ~火を出さないために!~
prevent from fire
3.避難経路確保 ~逃げ道を確保するために!~
Securing evacuation routes
We also introduce commercially available earthquake-resistant goods and related websites. Please make use of it.